Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Daily Grace - Love > Fear

Do you fear in loving someone? Do you fear in failed relationships? We should not fear in love, 'coz perfect love casts out all fears. Since God is the author of love, we should not fear about it. We will be secured in the Author of Love's hands.

Once you experience the unconditional love of the Lord, you will be complete. You lack nothing. It is because God's love is a full-blown package. You will experience great things in your life once you love the Lord. This is the perfect and real love.

So, do not fear now. He is with You, He is embracing His complete love to you. Once you love the Lord with all your heart, loving others will be easy. Do not take for granted the love of the Lord. You will create a great impact if you are filled with His love.

Today We Pray

Dear Lord, I pause for a moment today and talk to You. As I pray, I feel your presence gazing on me with love and holding me in being. You are welcome in this place, Lord.

I ask that You help me overcome my fears with Your love. You’ve given Your love to me so freely, and it’s wrong for me not to give it away. Help me not be so purpose-driven that I forget my real purpose to love and have a relationship with people.

Let your grace shape me everyday. I speak out to you what I feel today like as one trusted friend to another. Listen to the cries of my heart, Lord.


Today's Godly Reminder - 1 John 4:18

Perfect love expels all fears. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. Receive the perfect love of the Lord today. His love drives out fear in our lives.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Daily Grace - There is Hope in Christ

Do you feel hopeless nowadays? Is there any situation right now that you perceive that there is already no hope for it? Well, my dear friends, there is still hope when you entrust it to the Lord. You will not be disappointed if you will put your hopes up in Jesus Christ.

When there is life, there is still hope. When we're still breathing, there is still hope. These three things still remain: Faith, Hope and Love. As long as you have faith in the Lord, then hope will follow.

It is still the miraculous power of God that will work in your uncertainties. Believe in the power of the Lord to make all things possible. Let God make the impossible things to possible things. For with God, nothing is impossible!

Today We Pray

Dear Lord, as I come before You today, fill my heart and whole being by the wonder of Your presence. Let us feel Your presence and set our hearts in worshiping you. Let Your Name be glorified.

Help me to never take for granted the freedom that You gave to me. It is a great blessing to have that spirit of freedom. Fill more my spirit with Your peace and joy.

We exalt Your Name forevermore. Bless me more, Lord God. Let my life be a blessing to others, too.


Today's Godly Reminder - Romans 5:5

Do not lose hope. There is always hope, as long as you are in Jesus Christ. The hope of all hearts is Jesus. His love never fails.

Friday, July 29, 2016

The Daily Grace - Fear not, God is with you

Do you feel afraid of something that will happen in the future? Do you fear of being alone? You should feel that. Fear no evil, God is with you. The Lord is your Shepherd, His rod and staff will comfort you.

Feel protected in the presence of the Lord. We are like a flock of sheep that is taken care by a shepherd. God watches us every time. Wherever we will go and whatever that we will do, God is there all the time.

Fear not, God is with you. Receive God's comfort and protection today. You will never be afraid or fear if God is in your heart. You will be safe and secured in the attacks of the enemy.

Today We Pray

Dear Lord, let this moment be a special one with You. When I think about your love and grace, it really amazes me. Thank You for showering Your blessings to me everyday.

Thank You for creating me in Your image and likeness. I also pray for Your gift of freedom. Let Your Holy Spirit guide those in power to work for equality for all your people.

When I seek healing, courage and forgiveness, You are faithful to grant it to me. Let me reflect also on Your Word everyday. In Your Loving presence, I find rest and contentment.


Today's Godly Reminder - Psalm 23:4

The Lord is our Shepherd. We are His Sheep. If we wander like sheep, His staff will direct us to the right path. If we are afraid, He will protect us and comfort us. Ask God for protection for today's activities.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Daily Grace - You've Got a Friend

This may be a popular song title, but there is Someone up there who is gladly calling us His friend. His Name is Jesus. "I have called you friends", this was His Word in John 15:15. Would you like Jesus to be Your friend for a lifetime? Take that opportunity now.

If you let Jesus to be your best of friend, you will experience greatness and amazing things in your life. Blessings and grace will continuously flow in your lives. You will never be alone if Jesus is your friend. There is no such thing as "Forever Alone", because He is with you always.

Those who know Jesus as their friend will never be alone. It is their secret why they are still persevered when trials come in their life. He is everything to us. He is the complete package Friend. What a friend we have in Jesus, indeed!

Today We Pray

Dear Jesus, I come before You today. I long for Your presence everyday. Nothing can separate us from Your love, O Lord.

Let my heart’s desire is to love You more and more each day. Thank You for calling us Your friends. It is indeed a great privilege that the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords calls us His friends.

I am grateful for the things that You have done to me. Please forgive me from all of my transgressions. And, be with us each day, Lord.


Today's Godly Reminder - John 15:15

Isn't it amazing? We are no longer servants, but God called us His friends. What a privilege to have! Thank God today and acknowledge His Words that we are His friends.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Daily Grace - Let Unity Bind You

Do you feel united in a group that you are in? If you cannot feel unity in your group, this is now the time. Make a difference and stand up. Let unity bind you and your group. Whether in your family, church, work, school or in your own organizations, unity must be there.

Ask the Lord for strength. It is not easy to handle a group or being in a group with different personalities and characters. But, let your light shine on them. Be the salt and light that God wanted you to do. Be honest on what you feel, too.

Being honest about what you feel allow everyone to help each other. But as members of God’s family, we have a responsibility to help each other grow in faith and character. God told us to “encourage one another,” to “build each other up” (1 Thess. 5:11), and to “be patient, bearing with one another in love” (Eph. 4:2). That is the essence of unity, being one in the Name of Jesus, binding in His love.

Today We Pray

Dear Lord, let Your grace be enfolded in our Spirit. We receive Your wonderful blessings in our lives today. Day and night, You are always there when we call upon Your Name.

Thank You for always waiting, listening to our call. Many times our fear of being hurt keeps us from being honest about our struggles. Help us to remember how much You love us.

Help us also to be patient and loving with others. Let unity and peace clothe us today. We love You, Lord.


Today's Godly Reminder - Ephesians 4:3

Unity is the key in every groups. Whether at work, church or in family, there must be peace and unity. Love comes together with unity. By loving one another, then peace and unity will follow. Love is the greatest thing. Let love rule in your hearts today.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Daily Grace - Receive the Perfect Gift from God

Do you know that God has a perfect and special gift for us? Have you already received and unwrapped that gift? Be excited for that gift. It is the greatest gift that you will ever receive.

His Son, Jesus, is God's perfect gift for us. He sent His only begotten Son to be with us in our daily lives. If we receive Jesus in our lives as our personal Lord and Savior, we will have eternal life and never really die. We will experience Heaven if we genuinely invite Him in our lives.

Because of God's love, He gave the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ to us. Receive the perfect Gift from God and you and your household will be blessed. It is the most important and the greatest gift of all. Have faith in God!

Today We Pray

Dear Jesus, today I call on You in a special way. I just want to be with You, today. Let my heart respond to Your love.

Mostly, I am asking for favours, but now, I want to feel Your presence. Let my heart not be troubled. Help me to trust in You always.

I am sorry if I take for granted Your gift of freedom to me. Inspire me to live in freedom you intended. Let me use this correctly for the glory of Your Kingdom.


Today's Godly Reminder - John 3:16

This verse is very common nowadays, and probably the most memorized verse of all times. But, we should not miss the real essence of this verse, which is God's love to us. He sent His Son for us to die from our sins. Have faith in God so that we will live an eternal life. What a great love it is!

Monday, July 25, 2016

The Daily Grace - Keep Your Conduct Honorable

How to make the world a better place to live? It is by keeping your conduct honorable. By doing that, you are displaying God's love to the world. Doing good deeds will also bring honor and glory to the Lord. In short, we can make the world a better place with our actions.

We must be careful in everything that we will do. As Christians, we are being portrayed as role models in this chaotic world. We are carrying the Name of Christ wherever we will go. Let us be the salt and light to the nations.

Ask the Lord to mold you. Surrender to God all your heavy burdens and struggles. Let the Light shine on us. We cannot change the world in a snap, but we can let the difference Christ has made in us make a difference in the world around us, by God's grace. Everyone can do something to make the world better.

Today We Pray

Lord, you are always there
waiting for me.
May I never be too busy to
find time to spend in your presence.

A thick and shapeless tree-trunk
would never believe that it could become a statue,
admired as a miracle of sculpture,
and would never submit itself to the chisel of the sculptor,
who sees by his genius what he can make of it .
I ask for the grace to let myself be shaped by my loving Creator.

I ask how I am within myself today?
Am I particularly tired, stressed, or off-form?
If any of these characteristics apply,
can I try to let go of the concerns that disturb me?


Today's Godly Reminder - Living by Faith

Live by faith, for only in faith we can depend on and only by faith can we truly be saved.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Daily Grace - Friendships

Be careful with whom you choose as your close friends. It is because bad company corrupts good character (1 Cor. 15:33b). Do your friends contribute to your growth. Does their life principles are in line with God's Word? Are they doing things that makes God happy?

Having a friend with good character can also help you grow and develop your personality. Once you are communicating with them or enjoying their presence everyday, you will somehow also acquire their type of character like a contagious disease. Look closer on their personalities and principles if it can affect you positively or not. Or, if anything happens bad to you, will they be there at your side no matter what? So, choose your friends wisely. It can have a great impact in your life.

Also, be that good friend to someone. Love them and pray for them. Speak blessings and encouraging words. It is indeed a great feeling that many people are loving you because of your great character and big heart. Be that person whom they consider as a good friend. A person that they never regret to choose.

Today We Pray

I pause for a moment
and reflect on God's life-giving presence
in every part of my body, in everything around me,
in the whole of my life.

By God's grace I was born to live in freedom.
Free to enjoy the pleasures He created for me.
Dear Lord, grant that I may live as You intended,
with complete confidence in Your Loving care.

Where do I sense hope, encouragement, and growth areas in my life? By looking back over the last few months, I may be able to see which activities and occasions have produced rich fruit.  If I do notice such areas, I will determine to give those areas both time and space in the future.

Today's Godly Reminder - 1 Peter 2:12

Be reminded that we should always be careful on our actions. Be vigilant on how we live our lives. Many eyes are on us, especially for us Christians. We are the salt and light of this world. Let us be a blessing to someone today.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Daily Grace - Boast About Jesus, Not About Yourself

Always be reminded that Jesus should be the one that being boasted to others, not ourselves. Stay humble and keep your feet on the ground. Boast about God's greatness to others. This is also one way of spreading His love around you.

Let the spotlight turn to Jesus. All honor and glory should belong to Him. He causes everything to happen for good. He is the author of life so we should give reverence in His Name and Creation. Let His Name be known to the ends of the earth.

Submit yourself to the Lord. Before boasting about Him, you should come humbly into His presence. Have that Christ-like attitude, too. We may not be perfect but our lives should be a blessing to other people. You can't boast in Jesus while you're preoccupied with yourself. Surrender all to Him and He will bless you.

Today We Pray

Dear Lord, help me to be fully alive in Your Holy Presence. Wrap Your arms around me, let me feel Your love. Let our hearts become one.

Thank You also for the gift of life that You have given to me. Teach me to slow down, to be still and know that You are God. Help me to be aware the beauty of things that surrounds me.

Empower me with Your love, Lord. I am Yours, forever. Your love and grace really amazes me.


Today's Godly Reminder - Romans 5:11

Let us enjoy every moment with our Lord Jesus Christ. We are His friends. And most of all, we are His Children. Be grateful that He calls us His friends. Our God of Heaven, calling us His own.

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Daily Grace - Feed Your Soul Everyday

Food is essential in our bodies. We need to eat solid food in order for us to be fully functional in our daily activities. Without food, how will we survive? We really cannot survive if we just drink fluids alone, we need food. 

Just like our physical bodies, our soul needs food too. How can we feed our soul? It is by reading God's Word everyday. The Bible is our spiritual food. It contains essentials that can nourish our soul. It gives us power when we are weak.

Feed your soul everyday with God's Word. It will also help us grow in our daily walk with Him. It transforms us on how we think about God, money, enemies, career and family. It is good for us. The more we feast on God's Word, the healthier we become.

Today We Pray

Here I am Lord, I come to You and asking for rest. I come to seek Your presence. I long for it and your healing power, too.

I set aside my preoccupations and chores at this moment to feel Your presence. I am refreshed if I am with You. Cultivate in me an appetite for Your Word and presence.

Help me Lord to read the Bible more to feed me spiritually, ‘cause it’s the food for the soul. It is Your Words that can give release to my often-failing heart. Let me savor it, ingest it and be strengthened by it.


Today's Godly Reminder - Jeremiah 15:16

The Bible is also our spiritual food. It gives us power and strength. It is because the content of it are the promises of the Lord, His Words and stories. Let us eat our spiritual food everyday like a solid food to strengthen us each day.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Daily Grace - Find Strength in the Lord

If storms come through in our lives, be still and know that He is God. Keep calm and always be reminded that God is with you always. Storms in life may be disappointing and devastating, but always look forward for the great reward after it. That is positivity, 'cause all things work together for good for those who love the Lord, and are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28).

When you're tired and weary, come to the Lord and He will give You rest. Find strength in Him if you cannot carry anymore the load of burdens in your heart. It may leave you powerless and like living in the dark, but ask God that You will overcome it. When we are weak, He will make us strong. 

Seek God at your lowest point, even at your highest. Seek Him everyday and You will find Him. He will grant the desires of Your heart if you will just delight in Him (Ps. 37:4). Place Your hope in the Lord, never lose it. God is our spiritual power source in every storm of life.

Today We Pray

Lord, You are our shelter in the time of storm. You are our hope for years to come. You are our eternal home.

Help me to be open to You. I set aside the cares of this world. Fill my mind with Your peace and love today.

Let Your grace shape me, our loving Creator. I acknowledge how I really am. Thank You for loving the real me in spite of my imperfections.


Today's Godly Reminder - Isaiah 40:29

If we are tired, God will give us strength. It is one of His promises in the Bible. He will give us power when we are weak. Let us just humbly approach His Throne of Grace. Tell Him openly that you are weary, and He will strengthen you.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Daily Grace - Spread the Love

Love one another. This is the greatest commandment of God to us. As the Author of Love, He gave this command because He wants us to have that Christ-like attitude wherever we will go. 

It is also a challenge to love the unlovable. Admittedly, all of us fall short in the thought that we don't love others the way that Jesus did. He also instructed that we will also love our enemies and pray for those who persecutes us. It is really hard, but once we surrender this grudge to the Lord, everything will just follow.

Start spreading the love today. Let us follow the Author of Love. Receive and feel God's love in your heart and soul, that will be a start.

Today We Pray

Lord, thank You for Your unconditional love to us. You are the author of love and we are grateful for that. We are thankful because You loved us first and through that, love is just around us.

I ask for forgiveness for all of my sins. I felt sorry for what I’ve done that is not pleasing to Your eyes. I now picture the gentleness in Your eyes, cleanse and purify us, O God.

When I wait for You, You always arrive before me. You always desire to connect to me. You are my most intimate friend and I Love You, Lord. Thank You for Your Agape Love.


Today's Godly Reminder - 1 John 4:19

God is the Author of Love. Love is all around because God is love, and He is just around us. Love is also one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. In fact, Love is mentioned first. Love others just like God loved us. God will be happy if we keep on loving each other.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Daily Grace - Be a Peacemaker

Peace is one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. God wants us to have that Fruits of the Holy Spirits in our lives. Each fruits should be applied to live a godly life. We should also spread peace to our surroundings. How to be a peacemaker?

Peace and self-control goes the same. If we don't have self-control, peace will not be there, too. Taming our tongue, controlling our anger and guarding our words and actions are the focal points to be a peacemaker. Proverbs 21:23 says that "Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from all troubles". If you are just on guard, being a peacemaker is already possible.

Make a difference now. Start spreading peace around you. Start planting that seed of peace and you will sow justice and righteousness. Seek God's desires in your life, not your own will. Honor God in everything that you do and peace will just follow.

Today We Pray

Dear Lord, thank You for showering Your blessings upon us. Thank You for creating me in Your image and likeness. I am grateful that I am Your dwelling-place.

Please always grant me grace to have freedom of spirit. Cleanse me and purify me from all unrighteousness. Let me live joyously in Your love, forevermore.

My soul longs for You more and more. Stay by my side always, Lord. Let me have that peace and contentment in Your presence.


Today's Godly Reminder - James 3:18

Be a peacemaker in this world full of chaos. Plant a seed of peace, and you will harvest the same. You will also carry justice all around. Be a transformer. Bring righteousness wherever you will go.

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Daily Grace - Don't Be Deceived

Many false teachings and preachers are sprouting nowadays. They are like clothed in sheep's clothing, but deep inside, they are ravenous wolves. They may preach flowery words and messages, but always check if these words are in line with the Word of God. It may be an encouraging one, but is it what God is really telling us? How to know if that is a false one?

False preachers or preaching do not bear the Fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is found in Galatians 5:22-23. Thus, they walk according to the flesh, despise the authority and they let their filthy desires rule. They are full of ego, greed and cheat you with smooth talk. All of these are the warning signs of a false preacher or preaching. God does not want you to deceived by them.

Jesus laid down His life for His sheep, which is us. He did not pursued his personal interest. Because of His love, He even offered His life for us. So, true preachers are God-centered and focused on His Words in the Bible. God don't want us to be misled or go astray. There is only one Christ in this world, which is Jesus, the true Shepherd of our souls.

Today We Pray

Lord, my soul longs for Your presence. Thank You for the peace and contentment when I turn my soul to You. We praise Your Name, O God.

We pray today for the countries that are suffering at these times. They are suffering from the agonies of war. We pray for peace, freedom and mercies upon them. Cover them with Your most precious blood.

Help me Lord to have that spiritual transformation in my life so that You can use me. Let me be a channel of blessings to others. Let others see Jesus in me.


Today's Godly Reminder - Matthew 7:15

Beware of false prophets. There are a lot of false prophets that are sprouting in certain places. Ask God for discernment. Sermons by messengers should always be aligned with God's Word. It should not be misleading. Pray that the Lord will speak to your hearts as you listen to His Words.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Daily Grace - Be Generous without Grudge

When you give, give to the Lord. God will love you if you give without grudge. It is His command to give not reluctantly or of necessity. Give what your heart tells you. But, give in proportion to the material blessings that the Lord has given you.

God preached about giving a lot of times in the Bible. Like giving what is due to Him, the ten percent of our profit (Mal. 3:8-10). Also, He talked about giving to the needy (Matt. 6:2-3). And, giving cheerfully to others (2 Cor. 9:6-7). 

Giving is also an act of worship to our living God. Ask Him that He will give you a generous heart. He will reward you a thousand folds if you give generously. You will be fulfilled and satisfied if you give. 

Today We Pray

Lord, You are a marvelous and everlasting God. Thank You for that wonderful feeling of freedom. The moment that You set me free, I am free, indeed!

When I gaze into Your Holiness, this creates in me a feeling of awe deep inside. We worship and we adore Your Name. You are a God that is omnipresent.

Thank You for Your love. With this, I can afford to be honest about how I am. I want more of You, God.


Today's Godly Reminder - Acts 20:35b

God also commanded us to give. It is indeed better and blessed to give than to receive. Blessings will come if you give generously to others, especially to the Lord. Be a cheerful giver. God loves a person who gives cheerfully (2 Cor. 9:7b).

Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Daily Grace - Wait Expectantly

There is a difference between waiting alone and waiting "expectantly". Waiting expectantly on the Lord takes faith. Without faith, waiting alone will be very hard. Impatience will really come through us, which is not a good sign.

Waiting expectantly also reminds us of God's total trustworthiness and faithfulness to us in the waiting period. We will not likely give up if we wait on God because we are secured in His presence. He knows what we're going through. He will not leave us nor forsake us. Also, our faith can be built up if we wait expectantly on Him.

Expect great things when you wait upon the Lord. Strength will arise. These three things: Faith, Hope and Trust, can be seen and practice if we wait on Him. The Lord is good to those who wait hopefully and expectantly for Him, to those who seek Him, to those who inquire of and for Him and require Him by right of necessity and on the authority of God's word (Lam. 3:25).

Today We Pray

Dear Lord, thank You for always welcoming me into Your presence. Thank You for making me feel that I am Your beloved child. It is indeed a privilege that You always desire to come to me.

Please guide me always to obey Your will in my life. Help me to be patient while waiting. I will seek Your will more and more in this waiting period.

Help me to grow my faith and love to You. Thank You for the strength that carries me through. Indeed, You are a Faithful Father to us


Today's Godly Reminder - Lamentations 3:25

Waiting may be hard sometimes. Likely, we will feel impatience while waiting. But the Lord is good. If we will wait on Him and will seek His will more and more, He will show you his greatness and power through this period. The Lord is just testing you. Have faith in the waiting period.

Friday, July 15, 2016

The Daily Grace - Worship the Creator with a Grateful Heart

Worship the Lord our God, our Great Creator. For he created everything perfectly. Let us worship the perfect God of universe. His works are marvelous.

Also remember that each and everyone of us was made fearfully and wonderfully by God. We may be feeling down or has a low-esteem because of the world's judgement, don't dwell on those things. Focus on the Lord. Find Your true identity in Him, Your creator.

Worship of the masterful Creator begins with a grateful heart. Let your hearts be transformed by the Lord. Surrender all your worries to Him. Let Him take control of your lives. And, let Him be the ruler of your hearts.

Today We Pray

Lord, thank You for loving me everyday. You enfold me with Your love everyday. Help me be to be in one with You, always.

Help me to serve You more and more. This is how I can show my love to You. Let me be a good steward of Your creation.

Help me also to think before I speak, to check my heart always. Help me to control my tongue so I won’t cause any trouble. Guard me always against the fangs of the enemies so that I will be a blessing to others, too.
