What does it mean to hide His Words in our hearts? It is to treasure it up like your most valuable thing. In our hearts, the Word will be there. Though unseen, it constituted the secret power by which He was governed. It is permanently deposited there, as the most valuable treasures.
We must carefully treasure up the word of God, declare it to others, meditate on it, and delight in it with all of our hearts. And then by His grace, we shall act according to it. Once the Word is stored in our hearts, this will protect us from sinning. If God’s word is hidden in our hearts, the issues of our lives are going to be affected by it. And since God’s Word steers us away from sin, the issues of our life will also be steered away from sin.
We will not be hiding God’s word for the purpose of concealing it from the view or discovery of others. It will be hidden for the purpose of safekeeping so as not to lose it. Let us treated God’s Word like a precious treasure that we wanted to keep. Hide God's Words in your heart so that we might not sin against God.