Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Today's Godly Reminder - Proverbs 15:18

Keep calm and carry on. When you encounter difficult people, be a peacemaker. If you are a hot-tempered person, you will cause a lot of troubles around. But, if you are slow to anger and patient, you can calm disputes.

You will also appear contented if you don't lose temper that much. Show love to that person instead of hating back. It is okay to be angry, but in your anger, do not sin (Eph. 4:26). Handle temper carefully so that it will not stumble others.


  1. God will help me concerning this area in my life.

  2. Oh Lord of Heaven and the Earth strengthen me to love people even if they don't love me help me not to angry easily in Jesus name I ask Amen

  3. i have problems in dealing this anger, dear lord help me

  4. Please Lord help me to calm always amen.

  5. Dear father please help me regarding my temper. I easily get angry and frustrated. And i thank you for your blessings everyday. amen
