Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Daily Grace - He Never Lets Us Down

How many times you have been let down by someone? There are many people who promise us that they will stand by us, no matter what comes our way. They say, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll be right behind you’. However, when trouble strikes, many of them are so far behind that you can’t see them, even with a telescope!

But God is not like that, He promised us that He will guide us all the way. He will never desert us in the midst of changing circumstances. We have a God who never deserts us, specifically in the most difficult moments. He never lets us down.

Cling to God, He is always at our side. He repeated that statement a lot of times in the Bible. It means that He wants us to be constantly reminded that He is just there. Acknowledge Him in everything and He will make your paths straight (Prov. 3:6)


  1. Thank you Lord for everything

  2. Thank God Almighty for making me and my family partakers of this day

  3. Thank u Jesus for never letting me down, never leaving or forsaken me. I love you o God, with all of me and I will always seek you out, whether good or not so good. Amen
