We ask ourselves, what on earth am I here for? What is my purpose? Peter in the Bible is known to identify people, especially the Christians. This is how he identified us: We are a Chosen Race, We are Pitied, We are God's Possession, We are Holy and We are the Holy Priests. This can be found in 1 Peter 2:9-10.
How did he came up this identity? It is through Christ. We got it from Him. We are chosen by GOD. We are pitied by GOD. We are possessed by GOD. We are set apart as holy by GOD. We are invested as royal priests by GOD. We are called from darkness into His light.
We are God's Special People. We are precious and special in His eyes. Do not mind what other people will say or feel about you. If you are not special in their lives, well, you are special in God's eyes. You have a purpose, you are a treasure.