Dear Lord, I thank You for all that You have done while I was asleep, watching over me and all Your children while we slept unaware. And, I pray that my thoughts and acts this day may show forth my love and thanks for You and all you have done for me. May Your spirit guide me to seek Your Loving presence more and more.
Help me through Your Holy Spirit, that I may remember what You have taught me in the Bible and it may show forth in my every deed. Let me not wander into the hands of sin, nor into the hands of pride or perversity, nor into the hands of temptation, nor into the hands of shame, but steer my inclinations towards goodness and charity this morning and all the day. Guide me always to do Your holy will knowing that Your strength will carry me through.
Now unto Him that is able to keep me from falling, and to present me faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.
Amen and Amen.