Monday, April 9, 2018

Today We Pray

Dear God, most mighty and merciful father, I, Your unworthy creation and servant, once more approach Your presence. Though not worthy to appear before You, because of the many sins and transgressions which I have committed against Your divine majesty; yet I pray You, for the sake of him in whom You are well pleased, the Lord Jesus Christ, to let me give You thanks and praise for your many and varied mercies extended toward me. Thank You for the quiet rest and repose of the past night, for food, clothing, health, peace, liberty, and the hopes of a better life through the merits of Your dear son's bitter passion.

Continue Your mercy and favor to me this day, and always. Give resolution to all my lawful undertakings. Let me have all my directions from Your Holy Spirit and success from Your bountiful hand.

All through this day, O Lord, by the power of Your quickening Spirit, let me touch the lives of others for good, whether through the word I speak, the prayer I speak, or the life I live. Let the bright beams of Your light so shine into my heart, and enlighten my mind in understanding Your blessed word, that I may be enabled to perform Your will in all things, and effectively resist all temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil. And finally, let Your blessings guide me and all of us, this day and forever, through Jesus Christ, in whose name I pray.
