Monday, September 19, 2016

The Daily Grace - Disappointment: His Appointment

What do you feel when you are disappointed? How do you react to it? We may be disappointed with our failed plans or in a failed situation. But, He is constantly reminding us to trust in His Name when things fail.

In some situations, failures can be delayed successes. His timings are just perfect for You. Remember, He never fails. He causes everything to work at the right time and for your own good.

Sometimes, our disappointments can be God's appointment. He do not withhold good things. He releases blessings and grace right away, if you just believe in His name. The next time you feel any disappointments, look for God's purpose in it. It is just a test of faith and character molding.


  1. I love this, it seems the message was said to me♡♥

  2. Yes lord give me the power to withstand it heavenly father

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I really appreciate this message. Thank you admin

  5. I love this it came at the right time.

  6. Love this message really encouraging and will help me a lot in my daily routines, thank you Lord Jesus for everything, Amen Amen

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Waw, jst wat I needed,thank u Jesus cos I knw u r in control

  9. Thank you,so me going home to home, not having a permanent place to live is God "molding me”
    ... I don't get it! Pray for me please. And I will do so for y'all
