When Charles Hayward died in May 2009 at the age of 87, he left a legacy for his children and grandchildren. He and his wife Virginia had faithfully served as missionaries for many years both in India and South Africa. But at age 73, he began to select and memorize portions of Scripture so he would "finish well" with his mind full of God's truth. He called his project, "The Whole Bible Memorization Plan". His children call it, "Charlie's List". Charles chose a theme verse (Col. 3:16), at least one verse from each Old Testament book, at least one from each New Testament narrative book, and a verse of verses from each chapter of the New Testament Epistles. He began with Genesis 15:6, "He believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness" and ended with Revelation 22:17, "Let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely".
All in all, Charles committed 239 verses to memory. He reminds me of the psalmist who wrote: "Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You" (119:11). Like Charles, the psalmist meditated and delighted in God's Word (vv. 15-16). What better goal could any of us have than to fill our minds with God's truth. Memorizing God's Word is like planting seeds that bear the fruit of a righteous life.
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