Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Daily Grace - Dogged Devotion

Maggie doesn't care much for television. She would rather look out a window than stare at a small screen. Reading doesn't thrill her either. She has been known to "chew" on books, but only in the strictly literal sense. Nevertheless, when Jay and I read or watch TV, Maggie participates. Even though she doesn't enjoy what we're doing, she enjoys being with us. Maggie is our very devoted dog. More than anything (well, just about anything) Maggie wants to be with us.

The word dogged means determined and persistent. These words describe Maggie. They should also describe us. When we are devoted to God, we want to be with Him even when He's doing something that makes no sense to us. We may ask, "Why, Lord?" when He seems angry (Ps. 88:14) or when He seems to be napping (44:23), or when the wicked prosper (Jer. 12:1). But when we remain devoted to God despite our questions, we find fullness of joy in His presence (Ps. 16:11).

Jesus knew that we would have questions. To prepare us for them, He urged us to abide in His love (John 15:11). Even when God's ways are inexplicable, His love is reliable. So we remain doggedly devoted to Him. We find joy when we learn to abide in Jesus' love.