Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Today We Pray

Dear Lord, thank You for sacrificing Your life for our sins so that we might live. We're thankful that because you died and rose again. We can have assurance that one day, we'll be with You in a place of no more death.

Keep me today from all evil and unruly desires, from all sins and temptations of the devil, from a sudden and unprovided death, and from the pains of hell. Enlighten my heart with the grace of Your Holy Spirit. Grant that I may ever be obedient to Your commandments.

Grant that all who are dead in sin may hear Your voice and rise to new life. Son of the living God, you have allowed me through baptism to be buried with You; grant that I may also rise with you and walk in newness of life. Let the whole earth also worship You, all nations obey You, all tongues confess and bless You, and men and women everywhere love You and serve You in peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, I pray.
