Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Daily Grace - Consider One Another

Most of us like to look good. We want to appear that we "have it all together", with no struggles or fears or temptations or heartaches. Trying to maintain a facade of perfection on our spiritual journey doesn't help us or our fellow travelers. But, sharing our lives with others in the body of Christ benefits us as well as others.

When we are a bit more transparent, we may find people who are struggling in a similar situation. And, as we enjoy a growing fellowship with God and become more aware of our own brokenness and inadequacy, God is able to use us more fully to help others. Let's allow God to strip away any pretense and "let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds" (Heb. 10:24). Believers stand strong when they don't stand alone.

Wearing a mask that shows everything's fine says that life's struggles are not God's design. But when we're open, transparent and true, people will trust God to meet their needs too. Find your real identity in Christ. Find strength in Him alone.