Dear Heavenly Father, let me take up the shield of faith this morning and carry it before me throughout the day. For the darkness of the world attacks my soul from every direction. Great and powerful God, I take up Your shield, the only shield that can protect me: my hope and certainty that Your love and promise to protect me, for all eternity, will be with me for the asking.
Defend me, I pray, against the constant assault of impurity that life in the world brings. Grant also that I may follow Thy Holy example, that I may submit to the authorities placed over me. Grant me the clean soul, the simplicity of heart that makes us worthy of Thy love.
I pray that I and Your whole church, the body of all faithful people, will know Your peace, and live in harmony and unity, one with another, in accordance with Your wishes. For the only truth is Yours, the only power is Yours, and our only hope lies in You, our true and mighty and loving God. This I pray to You, who lives and reigns forever.
amazing post, thanks!