Friday, September 29, 2017

The Daily Grace - Come Back

The people of Israel had backsliden, and God wanted Hosea to show them how much that hurt Him. So, in the first few chapters of Hosea, we read a bizarre story: God commanded the prophet to marry a prostitute named Gomer. Put on display as the faithful husband of an unfaithful spouse, Hosea experienced a pain similar to what God felt when Israel was spiritually unfaithful. As Hosea wrote the ending of his book, he made it clear that despite the pain the people of Israel caused the living God, He still promised healing, forgiveness, and fruitfulness if they would return to Him: "I will heal their backsliding", He said. "I will love them freely. . . . Those who dwell under his shadow shall return" (Hos. 14:4-7).

Life for the person who turns hk on God is often characterized by guilt and disatisfaction. The truly born-again believer who has fallen into a lifestyle of sin knows deep down that spiritual unfaithfulness to God takes a toll. But just as the God of grace offered Israel forgiveness and fruitfulness, even so today He offers restoration to the truly repentant (1 John 1:9). Have you made poor choices that have caused you to slip away? Come back. Repent and seek restored fellowship with the Lord today. It's not too late to make a fresh start with God.


  1. Please Lord Jesus please forgive me and restore me back in Jesus name Amen

  2. Amen thank u Jesus for ur forgiveness. Dear lord help me turn back to u in the name of jesus

  3. Thank you Lord for forgiving me daily
