Sunday, December 23, 2018

Today We Pray

Dear Lord, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight. Let Your Holy Spirit guide me in my prayer and in thought, and grant me the grace to listen and hear Your Word. Soften my heart, that I may be directed by Your truth, and not the devices of my body and mind.

I come before You in a humble sense of my own unworthiness, confessing my many transgressions of Your righteous laws. Look upon me, I beseech You, in mercy, and forgive me for all my transgressions. Make me deeply sensible of the great evil of them, and work in me hearty repentance; that I may obtain forgiveness at Your hands, who is ever ready to receive humble and penitent sinners.

Finally, let me go forth in thanks for the victory I have been given through our Lord Jesus Christ. May I be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, and always remembering that in the Lord our labor is not in vain. In the name of Christ, I ask this.


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