Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Today We Pray

Dear God, who has commanded us to love one another without fail, purify my soul. Let Your Holy Spirit empower me throughout this day, to be obedient to the truth at every moment, so that I might love my brothers and sisters earnestly, from a pure heart. And let me always remember that I have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of Your Son.

Turn Your face upon me, O Lord, I pray, and have mercy on me, for You are full of mercy and truth. Give strength to Your servant and show me a sign for good, that those who hate me may see it and be ashamed of their hard hearts, and turn to you for help and comfort, as I do. If I am confused or do not know what to think or do, let me think of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and ask myself what He would have done.

The blessing of the Lord rest and remain upon all his people, in every land, of every tongue; the Lord meet in mercy all that seek him; the Lord comfort all who suffer and mourn; the Lord hasten his coming, and give us, his people, the blessing of peace.
