Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Today's Godly Reminder - John 15:9

"As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love."

When a little child is disciplined for playing in the road or walking on railroad tracks, they see the discipline as painful, unnecessary, and limiting. They don't want limitations. However, if they could understand the danger and the parent's desire to protect them, they would see that discipline as loving. A parent calls on a child to obey because obedience protects and blesses that child. Likewise, when Jesus asks us to obey, let's not see it as something onerous, burdensome, and limiting. Instead, let's see Jesus' command, and our obedience to that command, as the protection of a loving Savior trying to safeguard, bless, and care for his younger beloved brothers and sisters. 

Jesus had loved us just as God has loved Him. Remain in His love. Remain faithful to His love for us. Do not doubt His love for us. Make yourselves at home in His love. Be loved by our Heavenly Father.