Monday, October 30, 2017

Today We Pray

Dear Lord, who has given me the facility to hear and understand, let me receive Your Word with an open mind and clear eye. Whenever I read Your Scripture, let Your Holy Spirit guide me to the truth, setting aside my preconception and self-justification. I pray to hear what You intend for me to hear.

Lead me to remember that, where we disagree, You are right and I am wrong. And help me always to an attitude of humility in my study, keeping in mind always to use Your Word as a guide that will lead me on the path to salvation, never as a tool to justify my faulty and selfish thought; for I am justified by faith.

Now may the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the eternal high priest himself, the Son of God Jesus Christ, build you up in faith and truth and in all gentleness and in all freedom from anger and forbearance and steadfastness and patient endurance and purity.
