Monday, July 9, 2018

Today We Pray

Dear Lord, give me each day the wisdom to see which things are important, and which things are not. Show me how best to use the time and talents You have given me. Help me to use all my opportunities wisely, that I may share, through service to others, the good gifts I have received from You.

By Your death and resurrection You have made forgiveness for my sin possible; and having confessed and repented of my sin, let me have confidence in Your forgiveness. Let me not be ashamed; for to feel shame at my sin is to doubt Your power. Rather fill me with faith in my salvation, that I may boldly praise Your name before all the world, and live in love and constant growth in Your Spirit and holiness.

Now may the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the eternal high priest himself, the Son of God Jesus Christ, build up myself, and all Christians, in faith and truth, and in all gentleness and in all freedom from anger and forbearance and steadfastness and patient endurance and purity. Glory and honor to You alone. In Christ Name, I pray.


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