Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Daily Grace - Blessings Come After Trials

"Fall seven times, stand up eight". This may be a famous quote from a well-known basketball player, but this also has a lesson to each and everyone of us. When we fall, we have to stand up and move on. We are all at risk for falling into temptations and trials, but we must be careful that it will not fall into sin and condemnation.

It’s easy to trick ourselves into believing that we’re done with a particular sort of sin. Even when we’ve struggled through the worst of it—admitting our problem, repenting, and recommitting ourselves to following God’s ways—temptation may come calling. God makes it possible for us to avoid falling back into the same patterns. He does this by providing a way out of the sinful act we’re considering. Our part is to respond to His offer of escape (Our Daily Bread)

When trials and difficulties come, always look on the bright side of the bad things. Do not lose hope. In every trials and temptations, God will give you a way out of this. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear (1 Cor. 10:13). Great blessings are often followed by great temptations. Do not lose hope!

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