Sunday, January 20, 2019

Today We Pray

Are you tired, feeling burdened and loaded with things? Ask the Lord for some rest and talk to Him with this prayer.

Dear Lord, I am tired. I am carrying a lot of burdens in my heart. But I still praise You because I have something to do and I am not in an idle mode.

Still, I thank You that You are providing me opportunities in order for me to learn and grow to be a better child of Yours. I ask for forgiveness in all of my sins, especially if I forget that You are just there for me whatever happens.

I am tired Lord, please give me rest. I cling to Your promise in the Bible that I will just come to you if I am tired, weary and heavy-burdened and You will give me rest. Give me peace of mind and a calm heart and help me to focus on You in these quiet time. Restore unto me the joy of my salvation.


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