Dear Lord, I bless You for the day You have made and pray that I may spend this day rejoicing in Your creation. I pray for Your Holy Spirit to fill me with the joy of my salvation, so that Your light may shine through me into the world, that Your honor and glory may be known to all people. Remind me of Your blessings, I pray, with every tribulation I may face, so that I may act with energy, forgiveness, and love, ever mindful of the grace You have shown to me.
Remind me often that You have been exceedingly generous to me. Help me to extend that generosity of spirit toward those around me. So that, they may know who You are and rejoice in You.
Now to Him who has given me grace in accordance with His gospel, in keeping with the revelation of the mystery hidden for many ages past, but now revealed and made known by the command of the eternal God, so that all mankind might find the obedience that comes from faith; to the only God, the God of wisdom and truth, be glory forever through His only son, Jesus Christ.
Holy Spirit please give my heart joy for the day and take hold of my tongue that I might not sin against You and those with whom I converse. Thank you. Amen.