Monday, November 26, 2018

Today We Pray

Dear God, I confess with faith and adore You, O Light indivisible, Holy Trinity and single Godhead, creator of light and dispeller of darkness. Dispel from my soul the darkness of sin and ignorance. And at this hour enlighten my mind, that I may pray to You according to Your will, and receive from You the fulfillment of my supplications. 

Have mercy upon Your Creatures and upon me, a great sinner. In the daytime, stars can be seen from deepest wells, and the deeper the wells the brighter Thy stars shine. Let me find Thy light in my darkness, Thy life in my death, Thy joy in my sorrow, Thy grace in my sin, Thy riches in my poverty, Thy glory in my valley. 

Eternal God, heavenly Father, You have graciously accepted me as a living member of Your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, and You have blessed me with the grace of forgiveness through the sacrifice He made for me and for all people. Send me now into the world in peace, and grant me strength and courage to love and serve You with gladness and singleness of heart. Through Christ our Lord and Savior.
