Monday, August 20, 2018

Today We Pray

Dear God, have patience with me and forgive me. Do not spew me out, as You have warned You might do with the lukewarm. Fill my soul with the fire of Your Word and help me grow, to put more and more confidence in You and less and less in the world before me.

Forgive me my sins and help me to live in them less and less today, and every day, that I might more perfectly follow Your commandments. I place all my sins before You. In my estimation, they do not deserve pardon, but I ask You to close Your eyes to my want of merit and open them to Your infinite merit.

And now, as a little child, let me abide in You all this day so that when You appear I may have confidence and not shrink from You in shame at Your coming. For I know that You are righteous, and I am sure that I will be made righteous only by my life in You. In Christ’s name, I pray.
