Thursday, August 23, 2018

Today We Pray

Dear Lord, as I come to You today, fill my heart and my whole being with the wonder of Your presence. You came so that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. Grant me, throughout this day, power in my love, strength in my humility, purity in my zeal, kindness in my laughter, and Your peace in my heart at all times.

Your death on the cross has set me free. I can live joyously and freely, without fear of death. Your mercy knows no bounds.

I pray to be filled with Your Holy Spirit for the rest of this day. Let me go forth, walking with Your Spirit in my heart, that I may be filled with the joy and energy and praise for Your entire creation, thankful in the many gifts You have given me, and showing forth Your light in my every word and deed. This I pray in Christ’s name.


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